Please take the time to read our 24-25 school year CSS PROGRAM GUIDE for information on hours, payments, policies, student activities, and more!
Completed registration forms can be sent to kallen@palmyra.k12.nj.us or dropped off at the Business Office at 311 W 5th Street during business hours.
Applications must be completely filled out and signed to be valid. Please read over the Program Guide before submitting an application.
If you need additional space to fill out more than two Approved Pickups for your student please fill out this form!
Before Care 24-25 school year
Family Registration Fee | $10 one time |
All students | $65 per month |
Flex Package | $30 for 5 days |
After Care 24-25 school year
Family Registration Fee | $20 one time |
Full Price Lunch | $222 per month |
Reduced Price Lunch | $214 per month |
Free Price Lunch | $207 per month |
Flex Package | $145 for 5 days |