Middle School Clubs
The middle school ART Club is an after-school club open to Palmyra students in grades 7-8. There are no skill requirements for club participation, just a desire to express yourself in a host of different mediums. Along with personal art journaling, club members will participate in group and individual art service and beautification projects, as well as promotional projects throughout the district.
The Art Club's mission is to explore the creative world, explore design in its many forms and to work towards sustainable, long-term installations with an emphasis on using recycled materials wherever possible. We have a relaxed atmosphere that will meet 1-2 times a month, where students work together, play music, and make art.
The Chess Team is now open to everyone, from beginner to competitor (7th-12th grades), and begins meeting once a week on Tuesdays starting in October.
During the competitive season (November-February), the team will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:00. Together we will learn new strategies, compete against other schools, and grow our chess skills.

Environmental Science Club
Mrs. Tretola & Mrs. Schweikert
The Environmental Science Club is open to all students (7th-12th grades) that share a common interest in science and environmental issues. Our objective is to encourage environmental responsibility and to provide a place for students to share ideas and discuss environmental concerns and conservation.
Activities include lab activities, fundraising, documentary film days with discussion, and community clean-up trips.
The Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Club at Palmyra gives students a safe place to express themselves freely. The GSA's goal is to change the culture of the building to a more accepting place for all people no matter their sexual or gender preferences. This is a student-lead organization where students decide what they want to learn and discuss. Students will go on field trips, bring in speakers and hold social and special events. The GSA will help foster students' social and emotional needs. The goal of the club is to support, educate and advocate.
Palmyra Marching Band consists of instrumentalists and Band Front members. They have summer rehearsals and a two (2) week band camp where they learn music and the routine for the upcoming season.
Marching Band is an extracurricular activity open to Middle & High School Students, although an audition may be required. The group usually meets twice a week at night to rehearse for their season. The award-winning Palmyra Marching Band performs at all football games as well as various pep rallies and parades throughout the year. The band is also very competitive, competing every fall weekend as well, culminating in the band championships usually in November.
Band Front / Color Guard is also open to Middle & High School Students, although an audition may be required. The band front is the visual aspect of the marching band. They provide the images to the band’s music. Interested students will be trained by the marching band staff during the summer and throughout the band season. The group usually meets along with the Marching Band for cohesion.
Click on this link for our Music Director, Mr. Moore's website:
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Character and Citizenship. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service. The student must be a member of the school community at least one semester prior to applying. For additional information and criteria, please refer to the Student Handbook.
If you are more of a behind-the-scenes type, then our Stage Crew division has a role for you. It is a group that learns all the working parts of the production & the tools we have available to us.
If you like acting, singing, & dancing, then this group is for you. Students in grades 7-12 are welcome to enjoy this musical theatre club. Meetings/rehearsals normally take place on Friday afternoons & Wednesday evenings in the PHS auditorium. A March showcase is the final product of the season’s hard work and fun!
Junior Student Council is an activity open to all 7th, & 8th grade students. It is a service organization that is dedicated to supporting the the middle school, the high school and the Palmyra community at large. Students are required to obtain 25 signatures of their classmates in order to have their names placed on the ballot. All elected middle school students are placed in a Junior Student Council homeroom for the following school year.
Junior Student Council is responsible for several of the social activities at the Middle School. There are two (2) dances sponsored by the organization as well as a Spirit Week. The dances are chaperoned by teachers and the administration. The dances are only open to Palmyra middle school students, only. Refreshments and music are included in the price of the admission. Spirit Week is a week-long activity, which fosters friendly competition among the student/faculty teams.
As a service organization, the students are responsible for raising funds and supplies to support a variety of needs. Annually, the students collect non-perishable items for our local food bank, and contribute funds to the “Almost Home” animal shelter. In addition, as specific needs arise among our student population and their families, Junior Student Council donates the necessary items or provides financial assistance. The Palmyra Junior Student Council is a member of the New Jersey Association of Student Councils and participates in their statewide business meetings in October, January and May. For more information about this organization, please contact Ms. VanZandt.
(Real Impact Student Empowerment) RISE was started by alumni, Kaya Robinson '20, as a peer mentoring group that met once a week. The purpose of this club is to help identify high school students that could meet with middle school students regularly as mentors. These meetings could consist of homework help, games, academic or social/emotional concerns. RISE offers our students a safe environment to interact with each other and support each other through the many trials and tribulations they face throughout their MS and HS career.
The Robotics Club is open to any student interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Students will meet after school to design, build and program a robot for entry into the first tech challenge robotics competition.
Traveling competing team members will have to apply through FTC and the Palmyra Robotics Club; however, all levels and grades are welcome and encouraged to participate in all team meetings after school.
Students may join various sub-teams such as the build team, programming team, marketing/fundraising team, and website development based on their interest. Interested students should see the advisor in September to fill out an application.
If you want to learn, practice or improve your volleyball skills, Palmyra Volleyball Club is here for you!
Our club is open to all eligible students who want to play in a fun, stress-free environment that accepts everyone at any level.
Through dynamic drills and playing with peers, you will learn how to bump, set, spike, serve and move as a team on the court. You only have to attend one practice a month to stay a member; however, attendance is expected every practice for you to gain momentum, improve your skills, and contribute to our team atmosphere.
If you enjoy taking pictures, interviewing your peers, and editing & designing creative and expressive layouts, then the middle school Yearbook Club is for you! The primary goal of Yearbook Club is to come together as a creative staff to produce a unique and distinctive memory of your school year. Students will be required to attend activities outside of the school day, such as a sporting events, school dances, and other school-related functions to snap photos and write journalistic copy that describes and memorializes your school year.
The Middle School Yearbook is a publication that begins its creation in late-winter, early-spring of each year. Any interested middle schoolers should reach out to Mrs. Schweikert if they would like to participate in its creation!