School Referendum-SUCCEEDED on March 12, 2024
Welcome to our School Referendum Page!
The Palmyra Board of Education is thrilled to unveil our proposed changes to our facilities for our most deserving staff and students. These proposed changes were discussed at our August 30th 2023 Board of Education meeting by our Architect of Record, Mr. Bob Garrison. We are SO PLEASED with the YES votes received in our Special Election on March 12, 2024!
The link below is the presentation made by Mr. Garrison at the August 30th Board of Education Meeting. The Power Point provides a list of all of the proposed projects with illustrations of the proposed floor plans. March 12, 2024 Bond Referendum Powerpoint
The Referendum Vote will be March 12 of 2024. Please mark your calendars! We are so #Palmyra Proud! Thank you!
The Palmyra Board of Education
What's the latest in Construction?
Click here for updates on District Construction- both Referendum Projects & District Improvements.

MAIL-IN BALLOTS Qualified & registered NJ voters who want to vote by mail in the Palmyra School District Special Election to be held on March 12th, 2024 must complete an application form shown below and send it to the county clerk where you reside.
Great News about our Bond Financing!

With assistance from Phoenix Advisors, the Financial Advisor of the Palmyra Board of Education, the Palmyra Board of Education held their Bond Sale on June 25th, 2024.
Prior to the Bond Sale, the Board received a very favorable bond rating of "AA-" (AAA being the highest rating) The winning bid went to Roosevelt & Cross Inc. at 3.784%, which is less than the original interest rate projection. This will save the taxpayers of the Palmyra Borough money in the future!
In the NEWS
Palmyra school project would upgrade facilities, increase property tax
Jim Walsh
Cherry Hill Courier-Post
PALMYRA - The school district is seeking voter approval for an $18.4 million improvement program.
The project would spend $10.5 million to upgrade the district high school and middle school on West 5th Street.
It would budget $7.9 million for improvements to the Charles Street Elementary School, according to the district's website. (full article)

You can utilize our tax calculator on the left side of this page to see the exact impact the proposed referendum would have on your taxes.
Assessment Value If needed, you can use this link to find the assessed value of your home.
Senior Freeze To all of our senior residents, please click the Senior Freeze, you may be eligible for a reimbursement.
Referendum Video Campaign
Interim Superintendent: Mark Pease with overview of District.
PHS Principal: Lisa Sabo discussing the Arts & building Improvements.
PHS VP & Athletic Director: Mike Papenberg discussing the Improvements to the Pit vs. building another gym.
CSS Principal: Octavia Lee discussing the Security needs of the building.
CSS Principal: Octavia Lee reinforces the life expectancy of rooftops!

PHS VP & Athletic Director & Alumni: Mike Papenberg discussing the plans for a new regulation all-weather track with our historic stadium.
CSS Principal: Octavia Lee sharing the plans for a new playground for the elementary school that will include a poured, ADA compliant surface.
In addition, the District applied for two Regular Operating District (ROD) Grants in the spring of 2023 (Preschool ROD Grant and an NJDOE Round-5 ROD Grant). The Preschool ROD Grant would provide the Board of Education with 40% of the total cost of additional improvements to the Delaware Ave School (3 more renovated Preschool Classrooms). We are still waiting to hear the final decision on our application. Unfortunately, we were not awarded the NJDOE Round-5 ROD Grant by the Department of Education, this would have provided the Board of Education with 40% of the total cost of a partial roof replacement and masonry restoration at the Palmyra High School / Middle School.
The Referendum Vote will be March 12, 2024. Please mark your calendars! We are so #Palmyra Proud!