Palmyra Middle School had the privilege of hosting Dr. Michael Fowlin this morning for an assembly entitled: “You Don’t Know Me Until You Know Me.” He spoke to 2 groups of students and used his humor, his mastery of public speaking, and his training in psychology while sharing engaging stories of his youth and relating on the students’ level.
It is hard to believe that he is a one-man presentation since so many emotions pass through the room while he speaks. Tears, laughter, and the silence of true listening were the sounds in the auditorium. Knowing him means calling him Mykee and sharing a smile when recognizing another’s existence. Many students hung back to shake his hand, share a story, and maybe even grab a hug. It was powerful to witness his speaking and the student reaction.
Middle School Principal, Mr. Ken Holloway is grateful to the Palmyra PTA for their sponsorship of this amazing visit. Definitely worth asking the question, “How was your assembly today?” to any of the 6th, 7th & 8th Graders!
#PalmyraProud #PalmyraMIDDLESchool #MykeeFowlin #TakeCareofEachOther #PalmyraPTA