sticker that reads Buildings & Grounds Because teachers need heroes too!

So much has happened since graduation & the "plus-one more day!" Our Buildings & Grounds Team, under the direction of Mr. Ron Holt, District Maintenance Supervisor has not had a moment to relax since those final weeks of classes. On Graduation Day, the team sets up TWO venues to allow for the decision to move inside for weather conditions being made at the last possible moment.

photo of the high school stadium with dark clouds all set up for outdoor graduation photo of the hs gym set up for indoor graduation basicsWhen the lightning & thunder started, the team quickly shifted all the pageantry into the gym to be ready on time for graduation to start.

hs gym filled to capacity for graduation with principal & student president at center court with class bannerWe are #PalmyraProud of the hard work that Mr. Holt's team puts in year-round. The grounds, the playing fields, the close care of the aging buildings, all so that they are as shiny as possible! Moments after students stepped out on the last day of school, the B&G superheroes were on the job, they had 3 classrooms from Charles Street School fully emptied out & delivered to the gym at Delaware Avenue within 24 hours! Later that week, they emptied the offices that remained at CSS so that work could begin on the phase II improvements that will allow the district to house all 8 classrooms of Palmyra Preschool at the Delaware Avenue Building.

classroom storage in the DAS gym for the summerAll of these additional items are happening while the team continues to do their regularly-scheduled summer maintenance to our campus. Deep cleaning of every classroom, hallway, room, locker & office to be ready for September.

While we have contractors working on projects this summer, they could not start until our team set them up for success. For regular updates on the construction in the district, check out our CONSTRUCTION page on the District Homepage.

Thank you Mr. Holt, Mrs. Graovac & all of your amazing people that make Palmyra School District run so well!

team emptying offices at DAS