superintendent search flyer featuring the njsba search team info

Palmyra Superintendent Search:
Parents and Community Input Session

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
7:00 PM
Palmyra High School Auditorium
311 W. Fifth Street
(USE Door #20 across from Parking Lot located at corner of 4th Street & Delaware Avenue)

The Palmyra Board of Education is hosting a Parent and Community Forum to gather information to be used to set the criteria for the background, training and experience necessary for our new Superintendent of Schools.

Our search consultant, Terri Lewis, from the New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA), will explain the search procedure, the roles played by the Board, the staff and the public in the process, and the calendar for our actual search.

The discussion will center on the current and future District priorities a new superintendent will be expected to address. Information gathered, together with input from other focus groups, will be used to shape a variety of candidate review documents and the interview questions.

The meeting will be approximately 45 minutes and we hope that you will be able to attend and contribute to the future of our children.