READ ACROSS AMERICA collage of photos of students

Our CSS Family Conquered Read Across America!

Charles Street Principal Octavia Lee congratulated her team with the following sentiments: "WOW...what a week! I cannot thank you enough for making Read Across America such an incredible and memorable experience for our students. Your energy, creativity, and dedication truly brought the joy of reading to life."

The Read Across America Faculty team once-again hosted Guest Readers who inspired our students. Visitors came to read to classes from our Board of Education, Borough Council, Police Department, State Troopers, Rutgers Camden Volleyball Team, High School Administrators, Senator Singleton, Wings Lacrosse and the Philadelphia Eagles! Along with our annual Author Visit sponsored by the PTA and finally, the Teacher Slime Challenge (what a way to celebrate 12,000+ minutes of reading!), every moment was filled with excitement and learning!

A special shoutout to everyone who participated in our themed dress-up days. "From Pajama Day Monday to Favorite Character Friday, the excitement in the halls was contagious! Seeing both students and staff embrace the fun added an extra layer of magic to the week throughout the building." Mrs. Lee went on to say, "I know this week was exhausting; these big events don’t just happen. They take planning, teamwork, and a whole lot of heart. You gave our students an experience they will remember for years to come, and I hope you feel the same sense of pride that I do. Seeing parents in the building, feeling their gratitude, and witnessing the strong sense of community is a direct reflection of the passion and dedication of this team. CSS shines because of YOU! " Clearly Mrs. Lee is #PalmyraProud of her team and it is well deserved.

Now the CSS team rolls into Project Night prep- save the date: March 20th for the annual festivities highlighting all the hard work of the whole building.

Read Across America collage of students readingRead Across America collage of students reading