The Monthly Board of Education Meeting for March is this Wednesday, March 12th at 7pm in the Charles Street School Gym. Enter using Door #9 on Walnut Street. Our Student of the Month recognitions will be held. Agenda will be available on BoE webpage under the Agendas tab.
2 days ago, Palmyra Schools
Monthly meeting of the Palmyra BoE poster
Mr. Licata proudly invites everyone to the 2025 Palmyra Players Performance of LITTLE WOMEN, the Broadway Musical. March 21-23 in the PHS Auditorium. Ticket Inquiries: email or online at We are #PalmyraProud of our theatre kids!
2 days ago, Palmyra Schools
poster for Little Women the Musical
Burlington County Special Services School District- BCSSSD-is hosting a Youth MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID Training for parents/staff/community members on March 25th from 5-9pm. Scan the QR code OR click this link to sign up:
3 days ago, Palmyra Schools
flyer for BCSSSDmental health event
GOING ON NOW: PHS StuCo is holding their annual Red Cross Blood🩸Drive & its a success so far! Senior, Anna Paszkiewicz shared, "Donating blood has a ton of benefits for those in need: It saves lives! One donation can help up to three people in emergency situations, surgeries, or for patients with conditions like cancer or anemia. It's a great way for Palmyra Students & Staff to give back!" We are #PalmyraProud of our amazing #StuCoPHS team!!!
20 days ago, Palmyra Schools
students support a classmate giving blood
students support a classmate giving blood
StuCo Advisors & Blood Drive Team
The Monthly Board of Education Meeting for February is Wednesday, February 12th at 7pm in the Charles Street School Gym. Student of the Month & Coach of the Year recognitions will be held. Agenda will be available on BoE webpage.
about 1 month ago, Palmyra Schools
Boe Monthly meeting poster
Monday, February 10, 2025 is a 2-Hour Delay Bell schedule. Palmyra High| Middle School will report to school by 9:50am; Charles Street School reports at 10:15am; Delaware Avenue School reports at 10:30am. Palmyra School District's Before School Program ONLY at 8:30.
about 1 month ago, Palmyra Schools
Palmyra School District celebrates our School Counselors during National School Counseling Week. They are a lifeline for our schools & we will show our appreciation by dressing in colors all week for them! #PalmyraProud #NSCW25 #HelpingStudentsThrive
about 1 month ago, Palmyra Schools
National School Counselling Week colors rally with characters from movies
COLLAGE OF PHOTOS Of our school counselors
IMPORTANT: Monday, February 10, 2025, we will be operating on a 2-Hour Delay Bell schedule: Palmyra High| Middle School will report to school by 10:00am Charles Street School will report @10:15am Delaware Avenue School will report @10:30am Palmyra District's Before School Program only will be available @8:30.
about 1 month ago, Palmyra Schools
important delay event
Mrs. Allen's 5th Grade Classes wish you a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! 2025 is the Year of the Snake & students ate ramen w/ chopsticks, oranges & fortune cookies! It was certainly a trip to the Orient in the room today with zodiac signs & messages from their Taiwanese Sister School!
about 1 month ago, Palmyra Schools
CSS celebrates lunar new year 2025 with chopsticks and coins
snake card from taiwan for new year
smart board with chinese zodiac symbols
mail from far away -Taiwan
REMINDER! Palmyra Arts Boosters annual Cocoa & Coffee Cabaret is THIS SATURDAY February 1st from 6-9pm in the PHS Auditorium. Save with advance tickets through the boosters: We are #PalmyraProud of our AMAZINGLY TALENTED Palmyra Players Cast & Crew!
about 1 month ago, Palmyra Schools
cocoa cabaret with cup of cocoa, confetti & red curtain
Please see your emails or the Superintendent's page for an important message from our Interim Superintendent, Mr. Mark Pease.
about 2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
Seal of the Superintendent of Palmyra Schools
Curriculum Director & Preschool Principal, Dr. Flor Norton shared her Palmyra Pride in 2 marvelous members of our high school staff: Congratulations to Devon Murtagh & Jamie Patchel on presenting at the Burlington County Curriculum Consortium! Their presentation today was entitled “Inclusion & Co-Teaching”and Dr. Norton reports that all at the consortium at Lenape Regional Board Offices thought it was amazing! #PalmyraProud #DoGreatThings #coteachingcostars
about 2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
devon & jamie at front of presentation in shamong boe offices
FROM THE HEALTH OFFICES: The American Dental Association & RCBC'S Dental Hygiene Clinic are offering a day of FREE dental care for children 13 & under. An appointment must be made to take advantage of the limited evaluation spaces: please call 856-291-4215. #GiveKidsaSmile
about 2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
dental health at rcbc 2025
dental health at rcbc 2025 spanish version
STEP RIGHT UP! The Palmyra Arts Boosters annual Cocoa & Coffee Cabaret is February 1st from 6-9pm in the PHS Auditorium. Save with advance tickets through the boosters: We are #PalmyraProud of our TALENTED Palmyra Players Cast & Crew!
about 2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
cocoa cabaret with cup of cocoa, confetti & red curtain
Palmyra PTA brings STOCKS poundcakes TO YOU! Everyone loves Stock’s Bakery’s famous pound cake! They freeze well, so you can buy now & save for a snow day snack. Cakes are limited–get your orders in soon! Proceeds go to the 8th grade Dance Fund.
about 2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
fundraiser photo of stocks poundcakes
GOING ON NOW: Space Jam from the Harlem Wizards here at PHS| MS for an inspiring assembly in preparation for the upcoming Palmyra PTA: Wizards vs District Staff Event on 2/17. @hwspacejam
about 2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
space jam speaks to students
space jam loves bball
John Latimore with space jam
nice layup in phs gym
The Monthly Board of Education Meeting for January is Wednesday, January 8th at 7pm in the Charles Street School Gym. Student of the Month & Educators of the Year recognitions will be held. Agenda will be available on BoE webpage.
2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
Monthly meeting of the Palmyra BoE poster
Important Message from the Superintendent: Based on overnight forecasting from the National Weather Service, out of an abundance of caution, Palmyra School District IS CLOSED TODAY, January 6th, 2025. All athletic programs and Palmyra ChildCare Programs are canceled as well. Please enjoy the snow safely.
2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
inclement weather alert
Important Message from the Superintendent: We have been following the weather reports and at this time, SCHOOL IS OPEN as usual for Monday, January 6th.
2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
from the desk of the Superintendent
Rest in Peace President Jimmy Carter. Your 100 years on earth will leave an indelible & inspirational mark on history for certain. Thank you for your service. 10/1/1924-12/29/2024
2 months ago, Palmyra Schools
jimmy carter quote about the mosaic of humanity