Please see our School District Website-RETURN(green) tab- for the Superintendent’s Community Update Letter with plans for the start of hybrid learning. Go to our website under the RETURN tab>first posting in “Superintendent Communications” section: Community Letter 10/28/2020
over 3 years ago, Palmyra Schools
from the desk of the superintendent
Meeting Link will be live shortly- tech issues being resolved- thank you!
over 3 years ago, Palmyra Schools
A Special BoE Meeting has been called for Wednesday, October 28, 2020. The agenda is located on the website>BoE Page, along with the link for public comment & the locations of the LIVE FEED of the meeting. The live meeting is limited to 25 in-person on a first-come basis.
over 3 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Special BoE Meeting 10/28/2020
WHILE YOU WERE OUT: Congratulations to our Buildings & Grounds team for their efforts in the CSS Gym this summer. A fresh new floor & new bleachers are waiting for students when they return to the building. (meanwhile, we may catch some faculty blowing off steam in there...)
over 3 years ago, Palmyra Schools
CSS Gym Makeover
The DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is being recognized @several locations in Burlington County, especially at our very own Palmyra Police Department. Studies show a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from home medicine cabinets. Time to #takeback!
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
DEA takeback day
Burlington County Takeback day
Please see our School District Website-RETURN(green) tab- for the Superintendent’s Community Update Letter with a summary of plans. Go to our website under the RETURN tab>first posting in “Superintendent Communications” section: Community Letter 10/15/2020
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Superintendent's Memo
Hot off the presses! The monthly Superintendent Newsletter now available for September! We had great things to celebrate & can't wait to share it . Always located on the District Website> Departments> Superintendent> Monthly newsletters- CHECK IT OUT we are #Palmyra Proud!
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Cover Story -Superintendent Newsletter
REMINDER: Remote Meals-Ordering Deadline for the next week's meals is on Thursdays at 9am. Anyone wishing meals during this 100% remote period, may order from our cafeteria services. Go to the DINING PAGE of either school's website for complete information.
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Remote Meals Information
The Agenda for the Wednesday, October 14, 2020 BoE Meeting is available now on our website, this includes the link for public comment for Agenda items. All comments received will be read aloud into official record. The live meeting is limited to 25 in person on a first come basis
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Monthly Meeting of the BoE
Palmyra Middle & High School's WEEK OF RESPECT Day 5-Friday: *Be a Hero NOT a Villain* in support of our Heros: Wear something SUPER! Today’s Challenge: Send a “thank you” to our unsung heroes: custodians, SRO, secretaries, nurses, teachers...anyone who makes our school great!
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Week of Respect: Day 5: Be a Hero NOT a Villain
Week of Respect: Day 5: Be a Hero NOT a Villain
The Week of Respect comes to a close on Friday- an In-service day for our teachers & staff, BUT it's a day off for all of our students! We look forward to everyone returning refreshed on Tuesday to virtual classes. Enjoy the long weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Long weekend break
Palmyra Middle & High School's WEEK OF RESPECT Day 4-Thursday: *RESPECT THE PLANET!* in support of our Earth: Wear something Green! Today’s Challenge: Pick up trash that may not be yours, both inside your home and outside! Don't forget to share a pic! #PalmyraProud
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
week of respect day 4
Palmyra Middle & High School's WEEK OF RESPECT Day 3-Wednesday: *Uniting as ONE is Way More Fun!* in support of School Unity: Wear your Palmyra Gear/Red! Today’s Challenge: Learn something new about someone you don't know that well. Don't forget to share a pic! #PalmyraProud
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Week of Respect: Day 3: UNITING as One
There are STILL seats available in Dr. Warnock's FREE College Essay Workshop-October 6th. Get professional advice on your statement for your applications, to register:
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
College essay Workshop
Teachers Around the World & more importantly: Teachers of PALMYRA Schools: HapPy WoRLd TeaCheRs DaY!!!! We are #Palmyra Proud of you for keeping us #PalmyraStrong! .
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Salute to OUR TEACHERS of the World
Palmyra Middle & High School's WEEK OF RESPECT: Day 1: *World Day of Bullying Prevention* in support of Stomping Out Bullying- Wear something Blue! Today’s Challenge: Give a compliment to at least 3 people today Don't forget to share a pic of your challenge participation!
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Week of Respect: Day 1: Blue against Bullying
Palmyra School District Salutes: Mr. Joe DeFranco, Charles Street School Music Director, on his 30th year of service to the children of Palmyra! Bravo to the Maestro who finds the most unusual songs to spark their imagination! You are our Music Man! #PalmyraProud #YouRock
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
30 years for Joe DeFranco
Please see our School District Website-RETURN(green) tab- for the Superintendent’s Community Update Letter with a summary of events & plans. Go To our website under the RETURN tab>first posting in “Superintendent Communications” section: Community Letter 9/29/2020
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Superintendent's Memo
Palmyra School District Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month. This year’s National Theme - "Hispanics: Be Proud of Your Past, Embrace the Future" - invites Hispanics to embrace their backgrounds , to be proud of who they are & where they came from. #PalmyraProud #PalmyraStrong
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Hispanic Heritage Month 2020
The school district buildings are without power at this time. Please stay tuned, as soon as we know what to expect we will share.
almost 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools