Good Evening Palmyra Middle & High School Families! We look forward to VIRTUALLY greeting ALL of our PMS/PHS Students at 8:35am in onCourse tomorrow!!! NO 1st PERIOD TOMORROW. Teacher's class instructions will be in onCourse!
REMINDER: Remote Meals-Ordering Deadline for next week's meals is Tomorrow- Thursday 9/3 at 9am. Anyone wishing meals during this 100% remote period, may order from our cafeteria services. Go to the DINING PAGE of either school's website for complete information.
PHS Thursday, September 3rd: TEXTBOOK & CHROMEbook pickup for grades 7-12 @PHS Cafeteria DOOR 14! (6th grade has special time all their own) Please have a copy of your schedule AND backpack to carry everything back out. GOT BOOKS TO RETURN? Bring them in please! #maskup
GOING ON NOW! Until 1pm today: TEXTBOOK & CHROMEbook pickup FOR GRADES 7-12 at PHS Cafeteria DOOR 14! (6th grade has a special time all their own) Please have a copy of your schedule AND a backpack to carry everything back out. GOT BOOKS TO RETURN? Bring them in please!
Palmyra Public Schools is in process of distributing Chromebooks to all students in the district for use during remote instruction & upon return to school. A link on the RETURN page of website outlines Guidelines for using Chromebooks @home & @school. #Palmyra1:1
IT'S OFFICIAL! It is September 1st and the Schedules are LIVE in the Parent Portal!
Today Palmyra School District WELCOMES BACK OUR TEACHERS & STAFF! 2 days loaded with professional development gearing up for the unusual year to come! Welcome Back all- we missed you! We know there are smiles under those masks! #PalmyraProud #PalmyraStrong #maskupforsuccess
Remote Meals- Anyone wishing meals during this 100% remote period, may order from our cafeteria services. Go to the DINING PAGE of either school's website for complete information. Those who qualify for either FREE or REDUCED will receive the meals ordered AT NO CHARGE.
Please see the School District Website-RETURN (green) tab- for the Superintendent’s Community Update Letter regarding the events in the coming weeks. On our website under the RETURN tab>first posting in “From the Superintendent” section: Letter to the Community 8/28/20
PALMYRA HS ATHLETICS RETURN TO PLAY PLAN: approved Wednesday night at the Board of Education Meeting. Giving our student athletes this outdoor outlet for some much-needed self-care & teamwork, we're counting on them to follow athlete's guidelines for social distancing.
PALMYRA ATHLETICS RETURN TO PLAY PLAN: approved Wednesday night at the Board of Education Meeting. Giving our student athletes this outdoor outlet for some much needed self-care & teamwork, we are counting on them to follow the athlete's guidelines for social distancing.
The Agenda for the Wednesday, August 26, 2020 BoE Meeting is available on our website.
Public comment for Agenda items must be submitted no later than 2pm on Wednesday, using the link ON the BoE Agenda.
All comments received will be read aloud into official record.
UPDATE on our August BoE Meeting: The PUBLIC portion of the Virtual Meeting will open at 8pm. The PUBLIC portion will include a presentation on our UPDATED RESTART PLAN with information about school schedules/ typical day/ major learning components.
PALMYRA MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Please answer the PLEDGE survey below asap. Your voice matters & we want to include your input on our new student COVID pledge. (students only- survey closes Sunday evening at 5pm)
Palmyra School District has job openings to be filled! JUST ADDED! On our HOMEPAGE>MENU>Employment Opportunities to see jobs including: Long-Term Substitute for Elementary Basic Skills & Long-Term Substitute for Middle School Math. Updated regularly-check often
The Monthly Board of Education Meeting is being conducted remotely on Wednesday, August 26th at 7pm. The Agenda, with meeting access links, will be posted on our website.
The Monthly Board of Education Meeting is being conducted remotely on Wednesday, August 26th at 7pm. The Agenda, with meeting access links, will be posted on our website.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Results from a number of recent surveys, along with up-to-date information regarding the restarting of our schools are located under the (green) RETURN tab on our website.
Students: be on the lookout for the new PLEDGE survey later today.
Please see the School District Website-RETURN(green) tab- for the Superintendent’s Community Update Letter regarding the remote delivery of instruction. On our website under the RETURN tab>first posting in “From the Superintendent” section: Letter to the Community 8/14/20
The Agenda for the Thursday, August 13, 2020 BoE Meeting is available on our website. Public comment for Agenda items must be submitted no later than 3pm on Thursday, using the link on the BOE Agenda.
All comments received will be read aloud into official record.