Good Morning-Welcome to day 20-April 21st! Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: Math, Science, & Elective (Bus & Arts) day CSS: Today is National Kindergarten Day- send shout outs to any Kindergarteners or K teachers you know!
about 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
day 20
Good Monday Morning-Welcome BACK! Today is April 20th, our 19th day of remote learning! We hope your SprinG BreaK was restorative! We're back to our regular online schedule-so dig in! Today’s announcements: Bag Meals for eligible families-pickup is 10-11:45 @CSS caf door.
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
day 19
Get out & feel that sun today- our last day of spring break! Online classes resume tomorrow morning, April 20th, see EVERYONE there!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Keep calm
Happy Spring Break! Remember, classes resume ONLINE on Monday April 20th along with EligibleMeals distribution. Catch you online next week! Remember, online school is NOT optional- we want to see everyone being eligible to advance to the next grade level.
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Gov Murphy announcement.
April 20
FINAL CALL SENIORS: Ms. Sabo & Ms. Saia will be in the area Fri & Sat around 12 to judge Senior windows/doors! You MUST register using QR code. GET ON THE LIST! As of right now, only a few seniors are registered! Judges S & S can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow…from afar!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Door Contest Invitation!
PHS CUTHROAT CANDY MADNESS has been decided! Thank you-all who participated-including CSS teachers! Bravo to Mr. Nahrwold & Mr. Miller for hosting & all the great guests! NEXT UP: MoVie Madness! Catch the champion being announced:
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Candy Madness Champion
The team of staff & admin from Palmyra High School & Middle School shared their side of COVID-19 quarantine. Bravo to Mrs. Martino on the awesome job pulling it all together!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
we miss you
Please see the School District Website- COVID 19 tab- for the Superintendent’s Community Update Letter.
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Good Morning-Welcome to day 18! Today is Thursday, April 8th-Spring Break Starts tomorrow!!! Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: Math, Science, & Elective (Bus &Arts) day CSS: How’s your Heart Challenge going-keep it up over break! Catch you back in Virtual School April 20th!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
day 18
Good Morning-Welcome to day 18! Today is Thursday, April 9th-Spring Break Starts tomorrow!!! Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: Math, Science, & Elective (Bus &Arts) day CSS: How’s your Heart Challenge going-keep it up over break! Catch you back in Virtual School April 20th!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
How is YOUR day 17? It is Wednesday, April 7th Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: English/ WORLD Language/ Social Studies CSS: We’ve seen some really cool STEAM projects!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
day 17
Reminder: The Board of Education monthly meeting is Wednesday at 7pm ONLINE.
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
WHOOPS! Did we mention? Happy Short Week! Spring Break starts this Friday-you can all RoCk through the virtual school this week for certain! We are #PalmyraProud #PalmyraStrong!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Spring Break Ahead
Short Week
FaNcY FriDaY FiNaLe! We've been wearing sweats & PJs for far too long. Let's get fancy! Dress up like you're walking Palmyra's RedCarpet & strut your stuff for REMOTE Spirit Week Finale! REMEMBER TO SHARE your photo using the google form-code:
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
friday code
Good Morning-Welcome to day 14! Let’s see your Fanciest for our Fancy Friday Finale! Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: Open office hours & PHYS ED/Health CSS: your THANKFUL SpiRiT is ruling Spirit Week! Today’s spirit form:
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
dressy best
class photo
gym class
Just a little more time left for submissions for THANKFUL Thursday Spirit Day! Tick Tock til 6o'clock! C'mon gang! let's see some more of those signs of thanks! #PalmyraProud #PalmyraStrong
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
thursday stats
Good Morning-Welcome to day 13! Let’s use today to share who we are thankful for! Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: Math, Science, & Elective (Bus & Arts) day CSS: Looking forward to your THANKFUL SpiRiT Today! Today’s spirit form:
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
Music Education
day 13
ThanKfuL ThUrSdaY! Make a sign, make a video, make a card- be cReaTiVe! Share what you're thankful for during this time & all the time! Let's beat those numbers from yesterday! REMEMBER TO SHARE your photo using the google form-code:
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
thursday code
WEAR REDS DAY! Just 45 minutes left to share your pics on google forms! C'mon Juniors! CSS is owning spirit week! Let's see some more pics of our red school family. So #PalmyraProud of all that you are accomplishing at home!
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
middle school hero
How is YOUR day 12? April starts in the strangest way-ever-for all of us! Today’s announcements: PMS/PHS: English/ WORLD Language/ Social Studies CSS: show us your Wear REDS SPIRIT! Today’s spirit form:
over 4 years ago, Palmyra Schools
day 12