Congratulations to Miss Blatchley's 2nd grade class for collecting the most cereal boxes for the Food Bank. They will be celebrating soon with a Pizza Party! Thanks to all who contributed. Student Council collected 744 boxes of cereal for the Bread of Life Food Pantry!

Palmyra School District will be closed this Monday, February 17th in honor of the President's Day holiday. Schools & Offices will return to regular hours on Tuesday, February 18th #LoveYourLongWeekend #familytime

Palmyra School District will be closed this Monday, February 19th in honor of the President's Day holiday.
Schools & Offices will return to regular hours on Tuesday, February 20th #LoveYourLongWeekend #familytime

The Palmyra Police Department along with the School Resource Officer and Safety and Security Officer are visiting each classroom in Charles Street to give age appropriate lessons on Stranger Danger.

Charles Street School Students of the Month were honored moments ago at the Board of Education Meeting. Congratulations to Maya Richman-Dupont-4th & Olivia Lynch-5th grades.

Student Council’s cereal drive at Charles Street School has come to a close! We are completely overjoyed with the outpouring of generosity that was displayed during the last month. As a school, we collected 744 boxes of cereal that were donated to the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Palmyra. The class that donated the most cereal and the winner of the pizza party will be announced on Friday, February 14!

Click the video for a tour of the District’s new app! It’s everything Palmyra, in your pocket.
With the new app, you can access sports updates, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. #PalmyraProud

We’re thrilled to announce Palmyra Public School District’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2uM3P4V or iPhone: https://apple.co/386C7hH. #PalmyraProud